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Meet Deddy

Qualifying and Life Member, 

18 years MDRT with 1 COT

2012-2013 Divisional Vice President of MDRT

I was born on February 26, 1964 in Bandung, married with 2 children.  I graduated as an architect from University Catholic of Parahyangan, Architecture Department.


I am a Certified Financial Planner®, Qualified Wealth Planner and Associate Estate Planning Practitioner®

I have been in insurance business for more almost 24 years, eighteen-years member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) with 1 Court of The Table.


I have been in this business since 1995 and I joint with Zurich Topas Life right now. I work closely with my wife, Elen Alexandra SH, Qualifying and Life Member, 13 years MDRT


I have served as the MDRT Country Chair for Indonesia 2006-2010, Chair of 2011-2012 MDRT Public Relations Committee and I served as 2012-2013 Divisional Vice President of MDRT (Best Practices 2 Division).

Kesuksesan bukanlah urusan besok, melainkan urusan sejak saat ini dan harus dimulai dari dalam diri anda sendiri.

Deddy Karyanto

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